Chandigarh, Rakhi: Bhavan Vidyalaya New Chandigarh marked a day of dual celebration, honouring Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth anniversary and Children’s Day with heartfelt events that provided the students with a day filled with reflection, joy, and inspiration, and lasting memories for all. The school celebrated Children’s Day with a joyful assembly conducted by the teachers. After a prayer followed by the school pledge and an inspiring thought, the teachers performed a lively medley of songs and a skit, bringing laughter and excitement to the students. The highlight of the day was a captivating magic show by the magician, Mr. Vinod Kumar for the Pre-Primary wing and Classes 1 and 2. His mesmerizing tricks left the young audience spellbound, creating a magical experience. The special assembly to mark the Gurupurab celebrations in honour of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji began with a soulful recitation of the “Mool Mantra” and a Shabad performance by the students, creating a serene atmosphere. Students shared reflections on Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings of love, equality, and service, while a talk delivered by Ms. Harkirat Kaur on the Guru’s teachings emphasized their relevance in today’s world. The celebration concluded with the recitation of Anand Sahib and Ardas. Karha Prasad was distributed to all the students and staff members of the school. The Principal, Ms. Inderpreet Kaur wished everyone a Happy Gurpurab and emphasised upon the need of putting Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s principles of ‘Kirat Karo, Naam Japo and Vand Chhako’ to practice in our day-to-day lives. She also wished everyone a very Happy Children’s Day with a special wish for our students – ‘Chamakte Raho Sadaa Bhavan Ke Sitaare’.
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