Chandigarh, Rakhi : Bhavan Vidyalaya, New Chandigarh, celebrated the festival of Dussehra on 11 October 2024 with an array of vibrant performances and creative activities, capturing the true spirit of the festival and its timeless message of the victory of good over evil. Class 3 A brought the stage to life with their mesmerizing presentation of the Ramleela. The students, dressed in elaborate costumes for each character, brought the legendary tale of Lord Rama’s triumph over Ravana to life with passion. Their performances surpassed all expectations, earning admiration for their engaging storytelling and commitment. Adding to the festive atmosphere, Pre-Primary students enjoyed an interesting and lively puppet show that depicted the legend behind the festival of Dussehra in a fun, engaging manner. The students were left spellbound as the teachers narrated the story of Lord Rama’s victory over Ravana through the creative puppets for the characters. The school Principal, Ms. Inderpreet Kaur expressed her appreciation, saying, “The true spirit of Dussehra is about the victory of good over evil, and these performances beautifully captured that essence. Our endeavour is to bring out the positivity within each student, and these celebrations were a perfect example of that.”
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